Story of Hope

Mary Ann’s Story

Mary Ann is a senior citizen who requested help with her utility bills. Normally, she works to supplement her social security income and is able to pay her monthly bills. However, Mary Ann had an emergency surgery and had to take off work, without pay. On top of that, her car needed repairs and the combination led Mary Ann to get behind on her electric bill. She had a shut off notice for just a small amount unpaid on her account and called Love INC for help. Through grants, Love INC was able to pay off the total amount owed on her electric, not just the shut off amount to get her back on her feet. Mary Ann was very grateful for the assistance and compassion shown by the Love INC volunteers and staff.

Our Purpose

Love In the Name of Christ of Cuyahoga County is a Christian ministry that links partner churches, volunteers, and community partners to bring about transformation in the lives of our neighbors in need. More than a hand-out, We offer a hand-up!

The focus of our Life Skills classes is to provide individuals support, learning opportunities and accountability through mentor relationships that instill dignity, help them see their own value and give them hope.

Love INC is designed as a network of pastors and churches that work together to meet critical needs. United in purpose, resources and volunteers are shared to better serve our community.

“The church must be the hope of the world”

- Virgil Gulker, Founder of Love INC

News & Events


Change a life, provide hope, help a neighbor in need.