Peggi’s Story

“Love INC doesn’t simply write a check. The dollars I give not only reach those in need but each person who calls for assistance is welcomed with prayer. Because Love INC works hand-in-hand with local churches, families who don’t attend church are introduced to one. In addition, Love INC multiplies my donation by connecting applicates to critical resources: job openings, clothing, auto repair services, beds, appliances, Affirming Potential® classes and more. Rather than a Band-Aid for today’s crisis, my donation to Love INC funds an invitation to spiritual and financial wellness. That’s a smart investment!”

Peggi Tustan, Love INC Supporter for 5 years

Other Ways You Can Give

If you do not wish to donate through our online form, you can also donate by check. Please make it out to Love INC and mail it to P.O. Box 31775, Independence, OH 44131.

You can also make a difference by bookmarking and setting your account to support Love INC of Cuyahoga County. You’re not charged any extra, Amazon will automatically donate a percentage of your purchases to your favorite charity.

Make a Material Donation

We are always accepting various material goods that may be able to bless individuals in our community.

If you wish to make a material donation, please call (216) 459-0405 or email to set up an appointment to drop off your supplies. We are open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

March Donation Request: Toilet Paper

Our clothing ministry is constantly filling requests for neighbors in need. Volunteers pack bags with clothing and a variety of toiletries for Cuyahoga County residents. This month, the clothing room is asking for donations of toilet paper.

Baby Depot

We are always collecting material goods to stock Baby Depot. Baby Depot, which is hosted by Parma Park Church of God, provides moms with an opportunity to pick out needed essentials for their babies and toddlers.

We are currently accepting toys, books, games, baby furniture, clothes, diapers (sizes newborn to 5T), and wipes.

Baby Depot is open the third Tuesday of each month, by appointment only. To make an appointment to visit Baby Depot, email

Make a Difference Today

It is only through your generous support that we are able to fulfill our mission to transform lives in the name of Christ throughout our community. Thank you for investing in your community!

91 cents of every dollar donated and spent is used directly to help residents of Cuyahoga County.