Faith & Finances2024-06-24T12:55:29+00:00

Faith & Finances® is a 12-week course that lays the foundation for basic financial management skills. The course discusses money in the context of relationships, attitudes, values, and obstacles. Participants gain important information and skills relevant to everyday life including setting up a budget, giving, being thrifty, and eliminating debt by overcoming real-world financial pitfalls. Faith & Finances® also provides local churches and ministries with a tool for equipping vulnerable individuals and families in their community with a biblical way of improving personal financial health. 

“For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means for Christ’s blood on the cross.” Colossians 1:19-20 NLT

There is a $20 cost for the workbook. Scholarships are available, if needed. Registration is required.

Class Registration

Our fall classes are full and registration is now closed. Please check back for more opportunities to join our classes!

Celebrate with Us!

Here are some victories from our most recent class.

2 out of 7 graduates made budgets for the first time and committed to using them

1 couple shared the class taught them how to do their budget together and money is less stressful

2 graduates that were unemployed found jobs and another started a second job

4 graduates were able to increase their emergency fund during the duration of the class

2 out of 7 graduates said the class taught them the importance of tithing and have started for the first time

JoAnn’s Story

JoAnn is a widowed, 65 year old woman who took the Faith & Finances® course in 2018. She lives on a fixed income in a senior citizens’ apartment on the west side of Cleveland. Because of the Faith & Finances® class, JoAnn was able to track what she was spending, pay off debt, set up a budget, and put money into a savings account. JoAnn was assisted by her Ally from the class who committed to walking alongside her for at least a year. Two years later, JoAnn still contacts her Ally to ask for financial advice and prayer as she continues to use what she learned in class. JoAnn is now financially stable, giving to her local church, and making plans to move closer to family in North Carolina.

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